
Friday, July 8, 2011

Frugal in Forty: Day 3 - Out with the old, in with the new!

My girls are getting to an age where they no longer play with or need a lot of things we used when they were newborns. These things are taking up precious space in our living room and the nursery and are not being used. Swings, Boppys, Bumbos, Play mats, bouncy chairs, our rocker -- all things that take up a substantial amount of space unnecessarily. Enter, Craigslist! I love craigslist. You can get things out the door and recoup some of your cost for them - thus simplifying AND frugal! Put the money you earn in a fund towards new things that you'll need for your kids, monthly bills, or a special event you're saving for.

Today I decided to take two steps - since it takes some time for things to actually sell on craigslist, and not very much effort to list them. So, I also started thinking about and planning ways that I can cut down on our shopping list - which is really at the heart of frugal simple living. I'm utilizing mostly blogs to inspire me - reading up on ways to make meals cheaper and stretch further, what items are best to buy in bulk, and collecting coupons to help keep costs down.

What do you do to get the most out of your budgets?

Day 3 - Success :)

1 comment:

  1. We try not to pay retail for anything! If we don't have a coupon, then we'll wait until we do. Same thing applies to eating out and entertainment. :)
