
About Me

I am a passionate, opinionated, critically flawed twenty something living with my sweet little family in upstate New York, saved by the grace of God. I stay at home (but I wouldn't say that I don't work!) with my two miracle baby twin girls. My husband is my best friend and the love of my life and proof that my God is merciful and a God of second chances. I do not believe marriage is about being happy, I believe it is a commitment to serve the person you are choosing as your spouse, and that the first and foremost aspect of that service is to help them grow closer to Christ. I find immense joy in serving Jesus by serving my husband; I am old fashioned and extremely conservative - except when it comes to my home! I LOVE to cook and I believe that using the most natural and wholesome foods are the best for your body - but admittedly, I can be found in the Taco Bell drive through line more than every so often. I don't believe that you need to rule with a steel rod in order to keep your children on the right path and can pretty much sum up my parenting style with the phrase "Attachment Parenting" - give or take. I am more or less republican, but I strongly believe that you cannot be extremely outspokenly political and extremely outspokenly Christ like, and my purpose in this life is to be as much like Christ as I can be. Beyond that, I am an AVID (putting it eloquently) Disney lover! I love all things Disney all the time. It is a borderline obsession.



I have been in the process of finishing my degree for the past 5 years, and it looks like it may be another 5 before I actually get it finished - but I don't think that defines my intelligence. I am a HUGE procrastinator and it wouldn't be a stretch to call me forgetful. I am not the most financially responsible person and so I am very grateful that my husband is financially savvy (and patient!). I am a huge believer in grace and mercy, as I have been afforded more than my fair share so far in my twenty four years. I spent much of that time pretending to be someone I wasn't, trying to fit someone else's mold, trying to fit the churches description of a Christian. I was doomed to failure from the word go. It is because of that time in my life that I am now committed to being completely myself, completely open and honest and laid out. My God sees me exactly as I am and loves me for unconditionally despite - and since he's the only one who's opinion REALLY matters, I believe I have nothing to lose by being transparent. And who knows, maybe I can even help or inspire someone to let go of their attempts to fit the worlds preconceived standards and let God use them to their fullest capacity, no matter how unorthodox.