
Thursday, April 14, 2011

On prioritizing priorities

I will very willingly reluctantly admit that the internet is by and large my biggest time waster. It is the enemy to my productivity and my constant vice, to the point that it's almost an addiction. Being constantly accessible is more or less the theme of our generation, and technology is a good thing, but it is probably definitely a distraction; and like all things when not controlled in moderation - it can be a tool of the enemy's. I am constantly putting off my Christian and wifely duties in lieu of the internet. Between Facebook, the Disney message boards (yes, I am a Disney dork!), Blogger, and Yahoo, I spend nearly every free second indulging in the vastness that is the world wide web, and it's starting to become an issue.

There are days when I forget to even look in the general direction of my bible to do my devotionals - but you can be sure I will be accessing Facebook from my phone mere seconds after I wake up and turn off my alarm. There are dishes to be done, but the twins just went down for a nap and I need to catch up on my emails, so they will have to wait. And wait. And wait. Until my husband does them for me, which spurs me to get off of the computer (temporarily) and help. This is not how it should be.

I am very proud of being a stay at home mom/wife, and don't get me wrong, I do work hard during the day. I take care of infant twins by myself from the time my husband leaves for work until he gets home, and then we share the duties until bed. I don't know if you've ever had twins - or even one baby - but it is a demanding job. So demanding, I tell myself, that when I manage to get them to sleep at the same time, that I deserve a break. Ah, my downfall.

So today I realized it was time to re-prioritize my, well, priorities. I am a creature of habit in that I do not like to create new habits nor deviate from my well established ones - but this week I am going to do just that. For the next 7 days I have decided that each night I am going to make a list of the things I need to get done the next day - devotions, bills, cleaning, etc. and I am going to abstain from the internet entirely until that list is completely checked off. If that means that I don't get to the computer all day, so be it. I imagine this will be liken to breaking an addiction - because at it's core that's really what it is. I'm hoping by the end of this weekly challenge that getting my tasks done will come more naturally and I won't have to restrict myself so severely, but we'll see.

What about you? Do you have a "time waster" that's standing in your way of reaching your full productivity potential? If so, how do you deal with it? Please share!

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